Best Architects
Architecture Masterprize
Architizer A+ Awards
2A Awards

"Re-create the past to regenerate the present"

Located in the center of "Aldeia do Meco" on a small promotory

It was composed over many years by a family-owned housing complex built in the mid-twentieth century, typically vernacular. From the beginning, there was respect for the pre-existences, which eventually laid the foundation of the "Patio do Meco".

To Know More

Pátio do Meco

4 Suites
each with a private courtyard

1 main module
common spaces

swimming pool in the center
water mirror

unique privacy
Aldeia do Meco


Winner of
4 Architecture Awards


The project, under the direction of the architect Fábio Ferreira Neves, respects the surrounding urban typology.

One of the 5 finalists of the A + Awards, prestigious architecture prize.

The project (...) takes advantage of the existence vernacular house and with the appeal of this memory organizes a series of clean volumes that reinforce the idendity of the place. (...) The boundary between the object and the landscape is fad out.

La tipología de claustro, responde a un enclave anterior que fue respetado por el arquitecto en busca de conservar una condición vernácula. La atmósfera mediterránea se ve representada por una paleta de materiales austere.

Honorable Mention – Pátio do Meco by Fábio Ferreira Neves.

”O PÁIO é mesmo o coração desta guesthouse.” (…)

Front page of the Prestigious magazine The Plan nº 114.

Pátio do Meco

Rua do Comércio, 33
Aldeia do Meco
2970 067 Sesimbra
T +351 924 447 377
M +351 924 447 377

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